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CosPayton is an award-winning self-taught cosplayer, photographer, and pattern maker with over a decade of cosplay and theatre experience under their belt.


As a baby cosplayer making Winter Soldier arms out of leggings and fun foam, Payton was shocked at the lack of cosplay-specific resources at the time. A lot of cosplayers were flying solo and winging it, Payton included.


Flash forward 8 years, in 2021, Payton took the leap and started "CosPayton Cosplay Crafting," a one-stop pattern shop for new and experienced cosplayers alike. After releasing their first pattern, a Wanda Maximoff headpiece, Payton was floored at the overwhelmingly positive reception from the cosplay community.


Now in the present over 100 patterns later, CosPayton creates cosplay resources full-time, priding themself on providing inclusive sizes, character-specific resources, and free support.

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